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  • GuangZhou Huaqin Playground Equipment Co.,Ltd
  • Tel:+86-020-31040276
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Safety knowledge need to understand before playing large recreation equipment

Published:[2018-07-19 04:07:53]  visits:

Safety first, we has certain risk in the play large recreation equipment, we need to strictly abide by the safety rules in play, let's learn safety knowledge play large recreation equipment.
1, a large recreational facilities, please look for the national quality inspection administration printed "safety inspection" sign.
2, in a large recreational facilities, please read carefully the "notice to passengers". Not suitable for children under the age of 14 on a roller coaster ride, pirate ships, space shuttle, brave turntable intense stimulation of the recreation facilities.
3, equipment operation, do not use any part of the hands, arms, feet and other body out of the car, more not to untie the safe belt, open the safety bar.
4, the use of rotary, tumbling amusement equipment, make sure to glasses, cameras, bag, key, mobile phone and so easy to loot the trustee custody, do not bring into the recreation facilities compartment on the body.
5, to obey the command staff, according to the order of up and down, sit tight hold tight, do not enter the isolated area without authorization.
6, in the operation if an unexpected situation, don't panic, tamper with, in the original position to wait for the rescue staff, not to untie the safe belt, open the safety bar.
7, recreational facilities, parking station, please in the command staff, guidance or help solution under the safety belt and raised safety pressure

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